Okay, so my intention was to take a picture throughout each step of the way. But of course, as soon as I got home, I was excited to get started and completely forgot. By the time I remembered to take a picture, I had already sauteed the garlic and onions. And had already added the beef, seasoning, and water. So, it looked like this... so far.
I also already cut up all the potatoes and bok choy. So it's all in a bowl like this below. It would've been better if I remembered to take a picture as I cut each ingredient up... But oh well. Hey, like I said, this is my first blog and I'm not really used to the whole process as of yet. But I'm slowly learning.

An hour and half (or so) later, the meat is nice and tender. I added more salt and pepper and a little bit more fish sauce. Now its time to add my potatoes . I have to let the potatoes cook through. As soon as it is tender, I am adding the bok choy. I have to let the bok choy cook through, but not too long, so it doesn't get soggy. You definitely don't want to eat soggy bok choy. (But the again the meal is pretty soupy, so you can't really prevent it from getting soggy. But at least not super soggy.)

Few minutes later and now the Nilaga is ready to eat! I'm very excited to try my first ever Beef Nilaga. I hope it's just as good as I remember it from my childhood.
I make a nice plate of nilaga with rice and I am good to go! It tastes just like home.
I am very excited that I was able to replicate my family's beef nilaga. It definitely is one of the most easiest meals to make. And I'm glad I finally made it. Hope the hubby likes it :)

Now, what will I make next?