Friday, September 10, 2010

.my golden ticket.

I was watching the movie, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory last night and realized that I want a golden ticket too! That one little ticket brought Charlie to this whole new place that any kid (or adult- me!) would love to go to. Anything and everything can happen in Willy Wonka's factory. I thought that was so cool. BTW - I've seen this movie a million times, so its definitely not something new to me. :)

I just really liked all the different inventions that they had and everything was new and unique. Who wouldn't want a hen that lays a golden egg? Or a fizzy drink that makes you fly? C'mon now! That's awesome.

But I guess that really can't happen in the real world. Boooo to the real world. We all have our own versions of our golden ticket that may bring us to our own special world. I guess my golden tickets are my MTA and PATH cards. Those cards bring me to my own version of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. The factory of life. Haha. That just sounds so profound (well, not really).

When I took a picture of this the other day, I knew I wanted to blog about it. And how we use these cards on a regular to get to and from work, home, school, events, and etc. But then I saw Willy Wonka on last night and it clicked. These really are my golden tickets.