I decided to start a blog just so I can share my thoughts, ideas, and day to day life. I started to think of a way to start this blog. How should I introduce it? What should I put out there for people to read? Should I recap my 30 years of life or start with the beginning of my married life? Or should I just start right here? The answer that I came up with is to start right here. In my present time. I guess my family, friends, the internet world, and myself included will learn about me and my animated life by just reading my daily/weekly/monthly/yearly entries. I guess that is the best way to go about this. I'll just write, write, and write until I run out of things to write about.
Since I've never blogged before, it seems as though I have a lot to learn. I have no clue how to make my page look "pretty." So, it will take me some time to get the hang of it. Wish me luck!