December: - Saw doctors because we are TTC -- wish us luck!
- My new nephew, Ajay was born!- John's birthday -- dinner with friends
- Saw ELF the Musical -- pretty awesome!
- Food pantry
- Christmas- Holiday break -- a week of just relaxing and a lot of snow shoveling!
- Still TTC :)
- Still shoveled tons of snow
- Work, work, work
- Food, Family, Friends- Became a member of the Old Bergen Church
- Discovered Instagram
- Food pantry

- Still TTC :)
- The shoveling calmed down. Thank god!- Ordained as a Deacon at church
- More work, more edits
- John is overworked :(
- My new niece, Ryann Olivia was born!
- Food pantry

- My birthday :)
- Went to AC and gambled. John won. I lost. Booo!
- More edits
- John is still overworked.
- Made some Diaper Cakes
- Getting a refi done on the house
- Had one great Spring Day (70 degrees)
- Discovered Beluga
- Brought something for my cute little Food Pantry pal, but he didn't show up this month :(