I feel like everyone and their mothers are on Twitter (including myself). I did sign up to a Twitter account about a year or two ago, but have not been actively on. At first, it was fun to follow other people's tweets especially "celebrities." But after reading and following and tweeting myself, I got really bored. I just didn't get what the big deal was. Did I really care what Ashton Kutcher was eating for breakfast?
NO. Or what movie my friend was about to watch?
NO. Or where NKOTB is performing on their tour??
YES. Well, the answer should be
NO, so I can prove the point I'm trying to make. But I seriously think I would want to know where New Kids is performing :)
But that's besides the point.
In general, I don't find it interesting enough. But then again, it could be because of the people I choose to follow. Maybe I'm just not interested in what they are saying -- No offense to any of those who I actually do follow.
So, this is where my back and forth is coming from --
to tweet or not to tweet?Is tweeting just a fad? Will something new come up and replace Twitter? The answer is... who knows or who cares. It is what it is at the moment and I either jump back on it or just sit and watch from afar. Either way, it's not a life altering decision :) Just a fun little thought that I felt like sharing.