Guess who is coming to Broadway?!
Yup. Pee-wee Herman! Okay, so if you grew up in the 80s you would definitely know who this guy is. He introduced the phrase "mecca lecca high mecca hiney ho!" and "I know you are, but what am I?" And know who Chairry, Miss Yvonne, Captain Carl, Jambi, Mr. Window, Clocky, and the Penny animation. I remember getting up on Saturdays and watching this show with my brothers. I was highly entertained by Pee-wee's silliness and his famous ball of rubberband and ball of foil. I actually started a rubberband ball because of him :)
But now that I'm an adult, I wonder if I would still be entertained by him. Hmmm...Is $122 a ticket for his show worth actually finding out? I guess we'll see if I decide to shell out the money for an hour and a half Broadway show.
But now that I'm an adult, I wonder if I would still be entertained by him. Hmmm...Is $122 a ticket for his show worth actually finding out? I guess we'll see if I decide to shell out the money for an hour and a half Broadway show.